Orlando Saban

26| Shop Location 27 | 28

Love One Stitch at a Time

Not For Sale

Love is something that is built over time. Just like these hearts were constructed one ball at a time, one strand, one stitch, stitches combined with vision and intention. So too love grows, we knit our lives together with our family, friends, community, our pets and our world. In this artwork, I have used a lot of recycled knitting from the past, my work of love was not wasted.
ArtStreet update – Look out for the beautiful knitted hearts, “Love one stitch at a time” by Orly Saban. This amazing work by Orly is lovingly displayed by the wonderful Kat at The Granny Square shop Waratah street.
Fragile Hearts is a collaborative year 11 sculpture on display at ‘Frankly my Dear’

Orlando Saban