Support Your Local Arts Organisation

Funding can be a primary issue within the arts, and if you’re financially able, do consider donating to help us supply support and services to the local Blue Mountains community. By making a donation to BMCAN, you can contribute to the support of artists and arts organisations immensely. Such gestures can aid this industry by providing individuals and smaller institutions with the resources they need for artistic production, programming, residencies, exhibitions, and much more.

We welcome donations. Donations are tax deductible if made to the Blue Mountains Creative Arts Network Public Fund.
The Blue Mountains Creative Arts Network uses donated funds to foster the arts and for the benefit of members. The organisation is run by volunteers and so administration costs are limited to those required to make sure funds are used wisely and properly accounted for.

Your donations are used to

  1. Encourage exploration of the social and cultural significance of the creative arts for community and individual resilience, wellbeing, identity and inclusiveness
  2. Promote events and performances that bring vibrancy and engagement to our community for social and economic wellbeing
  3. Improve public access to arts and culture via exhibitions, websites and events
  4. Help new and emerging artists to further their artistic careers
  5. Provide advocacy for the arts and culture sector to express their needs and concerns to all levels of government and the wide community
  6. Build strong collaborative partnerships with other organisations to strengthen our community

Make an Offline Donation to Support BMCAN

If you do not wish to use the online payment method above you can make a direct deposit to the BMCAN bank account using the details below. Next, fill out the form below with your details and then submitting it. 

Direct Deposit with the notation: Surname+new member or renew member
Bendigo Bank
Blue Mountains Artist Company
BSB- 633000, Account – 165621012

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