The weather gods were not on our side yesterday with a howling wind and horizontal rain in the morning while the team was trying to get the exhibition set up, and a howling icy wind that persisted all day.
After a stirling effort by the Antelope quartet to welcome us, we asked Henryk to formally open the exhibition before retreating to the warmth and protection of Monkey Creek cafe. Karol kindly allowed us to continue there with music by Kenny King – lovely bluegrass style guitar work and voice, and an engaging conversation with Paul Rhodes and Jo Davies about the role of eco-psychology in meeting the challenges of climate anxiety, particularly among the young, and the wonderful range of activities being hosted by BANC at Blackheath.
As the sun crept out and some brave souls arrived even those who weren’t there for the event were drawn into the conversation and made us feel that the message of regeneration was taking hold.
New President Barbara Lepani stated “What was wonderful to experience at this event was a real sense of the BMCAN team coming together.”
When Lisa Rhodes, Lithgow artist, and illustrator, made a heartfelt plea for BMCAN’s help to support her creative work with kids with autism, President Barbara Lepani followed up by contacting her to offer to work with her to apply for a grant in support of this work. “This is what being a BMCAN member is all about — helping support member initiated creative projects.”
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or if you are an artist and want to be part of running these community connecting events by joining BMCAN, go to