BMCAN’s major event for 2022 is MAX22, the Mountains Artisan Expo that we are holding at the elevated Fairmont Resort Oval on the weekend of 17-18 September. Promotion for this event involving over 42 exhibitors from across the Blue Mountains and Greater Sydney has been generously supported by Bendigo Bank, Katoomba.  We also wish to acknowledge that Fairmont Resort is providing us the use of their oval at no cost.  The oval area can be seen here at the upper left above the tennis courts.  Access is through a pathway leading from the lower car park around the pond to the oval.

Below is the site plan developed by artisan jeweller, Christina Mija.  Red squares represent the individual white marquees housing different exhibitors.  Blue rectangles are the food and coffee vans, while on the far left is the location of the portaloos. Down on the lower level, the green square indicates where the BMCAN Info Hub will be located.  The white line indicates the fire trail road that leads off the main road into the Fairmont Resort. This is the road that installers and exhibitors will use to access the site. But no vehicles are allowed onto the grassed oval area where the marquees will be located.  Visitor parking for the expo is provided in the Fairmont parking areas, with a pathway leading through the garden up to the oval.  On the way you’ll pass the BMCAN Info Hub.  BMCAN volunteers will all be wearing bright orange T-shirts.



To celebrate this and bring all our members together for a social event that celebrates spring and our greater ability to socialise with friends and family, we are holding a BMCAN picnic as part of MAX22.

We are inviting our members and friends to bring their favourite picnic basket and gather at the BMCAN Info Hub, which will be housed in Bendigo Bank maquees on the path leading up to the oval.  We’ll be able to sit on the grass and enjoy the beautiful Fairmont Resort gardens, wander up to the Artisan Expo and browse all the offerings, and grab a coffee from Da Roon Coffee Van or some delicious Middle Eastern Food from Zeyno Gozleme, We’re also hoping we’ll have some music buskers among us.


We look forward to seeing you all at our picnic.